Monday, August 16, 2010

Blogworld 2010

The blogworld in the seminar is very interesting because it teach how to make a blog or how to start blogging. The seminar in Dagupan is teach how to start blog or how to make a blog.

What i like in the seminar is the photo and video blogging by Dr. Julius Mamaril he teach how to make a video blogging.All of my classmates is interesting in blogging because we must learn more about blogging. Blogging is one of the way in how to earn a money, if you have a very interesting blog you must blog or if you have a interesting photo or video you can blog this on your blogsite.

I like the people in the seminar because they inspired in a blogging like this they are also a good blogger. Dilson Decano is inspired me because he show what the blog make's.He show her save because of blogging, her house,car. He is one of the reason why i am interesting in blogging.

What i hate in the seminar is the setting arrangement of the stadium because many students like cannot see the LCD presentation because they place it in the side of the stage. But its all right because all of students is enjoy the seminar and they inspired in blogging.

A video blogging is hasn't take of considering how cheap the equipment has become and how easy it is to shoot,edit and post video online.

"Step in how to create a video blog."

* A video camera depends upon your beat,style,audience and frequency of posting. I have seen some people be effective with a mobile camera or laptop camera. At the other end of the spectrum are also video journalist who have the chance to make high-quality stories from the field with small camera's like the Sony A1U and about an equal dollar investment in microphones and Final Cut*
*The software is a mixture of low cost and professional application: Final Cut studio, GarageBand, iPhoto, fission, and audio Hijack pro for editing the video."
"Leo said that during his first three years of video blogging he used a Sony handycam for shooting and movie for editing. He now uses Final Cut Pro,an HD camrecorder,and a iMac."

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