Nel boy Simon
Email Address:, Mobile Phone No.: 09397963371
Others Skills: Computer Literate (MS Office)
Educational Background:
Elementary: Rosales South Central School
Year Graduated: April 2006
Secondary: Rosales National High School
Year Graduated: April 2010
Place of Birth: Rosales,Pangasinan
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Weight: 114.4 lbs
Height: 5'8"
Sex: Male
Mother's Name: Elizabeth Simon
Father's Name: Nelson Simon
Their Address: Mabini Street Rosales,Pangasinan
Languages to be Spoken: English, Tagalog, and Ilocano
Person to be Contacted in Case of Emergency: Nelson Simon
Her Address: Mabini Street Rosales,Pangasinan
Cell phone No.: (63)-9077061850
Interest and Skills: Singing, and Cooking